3-Minute Daily Exercise To Improve Performance

Coaching and Leading Others

In our fast-paced and ever-evolving world, improving professional performance has become a necessity for success. Marshall Goldsmith, renowned executive coach and leadership thinker, is paid $100k+ (per session!) to coach Fortune 100 CEOs. He has found that the world’s best leaders are introspective. They improve their performance by asking themselves difficult questions.

He developed a 3-minute daily exercise that helps unlock the full potential as a leader. Marshall Goldsmith asks the following 6 questions:

On a scale of 1-10, Did you do your best to Set Clear Goals?

Goal-setting is a critical aspect of personal and professional growth. By asking ourselves if we did our best to set clear goals, we shift our focus to proactive planning and intentionality. This question encourages us to define our objectives, break them down into actionable steps, and align our efforts accordingly.

On a scale of 1-10, Did you do your best to MAKE PROGRESS TOWARDS ACHIEVING THOSE GOALS?

Setting goals is only the first step; progress is what propels us forward. By regularly assessing our commitment to making progress, we cultivate a sense of urgency and accountability. This question compels us to evaluate our daily actions, identify areas for improvement, and ensure that we stay on track.

On a scale of 1-10, Did you do your best to Find Meaning?

Finding meaning in our work is vital for maintaining motivation and fulfillment. By asking ourselves if we did our best to find meaning, we challenge ourselves to connect with the broader purpose behind our tasks. This question helps us reflect on how our contributions align with our values, allowing us to infuse our work with passion and enthusiasm.

On a scale of 1-10, Did you do your best to  Be Happy?

Happiness is not merely a byproduct of success; it is a fundamental ingredient for sustained performance. By evaluating our efforts to be happy, we acknowledge the importance of self-care, balance, and emotional well-being. This question reminds us to prioritize our mental health, engage in activities that bring us joy, and cultivate positive relationships.

On a scale of 1-10, DId you do your best to  BUILD POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS?

The quality of our relationships profoundly impacts our personal and professional lives. By asking ourselves if we did our best to build positive relationships, we become more conscious of our interactions with others. This question encourages us to practice active listening, empathy, and appreciation, fostering an environment of collaboration and support.

On a scale of 1-10, Did you do your best to BE FULLY ENGAGED AND PRESENT DURING THE DAY?

In our increasingly distracted world, being fully present is a skill worth honing. By evaluating our ability to be present, we acknowledge the importance of mindfulness and focus. This question reminds us to minimize distractions, engage in active listening, and appreciate the present moment, enhancing our productivity and overall well-being.

You don’t need to spend $100k per session to become a world-class leader. Give this short exercise a try and see what you notice. The questions are free, but the insights are invaluable.

Try it out every day for 10 days. Analyze how your scores fluctuate day to day and then document why your scores might have increased or decreased.  At the end of  10 days, you will be able to leverage your data to make changes to optimize your performance as a leader. Only you know your best effort and only you can assess it. 

The biggest challenge for most leaders is that they don’t have the courage to consistently assess themselves. And the reality is that consistent reflection is the only way to truly grow as a leader.

Marshall Goldsmith has someone call him every day to ask him these 6 questions.   If you can’t hold yourself accountable, ask someone to help you. 

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